So I was watching The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King the other night, and I was once again reminded of my love for movies like that. It makes me wish, in some childish part of my brain, that I could be out on a battlefield in Middle-earth. Either riding with the Rohirrim, or standing on the walls of Minas Tirith would be cool. Probably the Rohirrim though, if I had a choice. Eomer, is one of the coolest but vastly underrated characters in the series. I mean, come on, the man has a helmet topped off with what looks like a horse’s tail. Just awesome. Oh, and Aragorn’s Elvish knife that was given to him in Lothlorien is pretty flippin’ sweet too. Just saying…
I know, I know, I just wrote in a major nerd moment. But c’mon, I just finished reading The Silmarrilion, which is basically Tolkien telling how Middle-earth began and was formed. It gives a lot of history for the later LOTR trilogy, which adds just another layer of depth to the already rich story. By the way, if you have no idea what or who I’m talking about, then go get the aforementioned books or movies, and read/watch them.
The night sky around here has been incredible. For the last two weeks, we’ve had pretty much clear skies at night, and the stars have been so bright. I’ve caught myself staring up into the vast darkness, staring up at Orion’s Belt, Ursa Major, and unknown other constellations hanging silently in the expanse.
I felt so tiny. So very tiny…
So insignificant…
So helpless…