Monday, January 25, 2010

Been a long time...

My apologies for my extended absence from this place. I've fallen victim to laziness and the oft-used excuse of "I've got so much going on right now..." So we'll just skip the awkwardness and pretend that I've been here all along... And now at the urgent request of Katie and my friends at Growing Freely and Just a Little Mishap....

On with the show...

For those who didn't hear (or see the video), I'm engaged now! Katie said yes! We're going to be married on July 17th, 2010! And then it's a long, fun week in Walt Disney World staying in the Animal Kingdom Lodge! It's going to be so much fun!

1 comment:

::LYNDSEY:: said...

finally! i am so very happy now.

p.s. ANIMAL KINGDOM LODGE!!!!!!!!! (i will be saying that in a very distinct voice from now on)