Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Little Wonders

Life has slowed down out here at the Ranch, and most of my co-workers are long since gone on Christmas vacation. The rest of us are still here, chugging along waiting for our turn to depart into Yuletide bliss. Nothing's really going on; just little things to take care of here and there. I've spent the week cleaning this giant fish-tank-holder thing we have. Between vacuuming out sand, scrubbing algae, and feeding the dead former residents to the snake-neck turtle; my arms and back are a little sore from constant bending over and cleaning. But it also makes for a semi-monotonous time for the mind to wander a bit.

And as the mind detaches from the body and muscle memory takes over, a relaxing atmosphere is created for my mind to be free to wander and ponder the little things in life. (I hope that last sentence made sense. It does in my head.)

Springing readily to mind is the unadvertised perk of watching dead fish get eaten by turtles. It's really cool and I marvel every time I watch it.

And that's such a little thing, but it got me thinking about other little things, simple blessings, and tiny pleasures that I tend to take for granted such as.....

Laughing with friends...
Spiral macaroni...
Catching all green lights on the way home...
A good book...
Hot tea on a cold day...
Sleeping in...
Road trips...
Singing to loud music by yourself...
Children who think you're cool just because you're there...
Wrapping presents (even though I'm horrible at it)...

Just those little things that I tend to overlook. I think it's good to take time to remember these things, and to appreciate them as the little blessings in life that they are.

Just a thought...

P.S. For everyone who reads this...Hezekiah 31:1 isn't an actual Bible verse. Just fyi....

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